
July 13, 2021

Quantum Resilient Encryption Technology vs. Ransomware

This paper investigates the issue of fairness for cyber recommendation systems by adopting a multi-sided concept so that multiple individuals are taken into account regarding multiple outcomes to establish user trust in cyberspace. As a result, a taxonomy of classes of fairness-aware recommender systems is developed along with recommended architectures of awareness-for-fairness.
June 25, 2020

A Trust-Based Fairness Design For Recommendation Systems In The Cyberspace

This paper investigates the issue of fairness for cyber recommendation systems by adopting a multi-sided concept so that multiple individuals are taken into account regarding multiple outcomes to establish user trust in cyberspace. As a result, a taxonomy of classes of fairness-aware recommender systems is developed along with recommended architectures of awareness-for-fairness.
August 23, 2019

Techniques And Technologies To Combat ‘Mis- & Dis-information’ In Open Internet

The purpose of this research is to enables technology companies in identifying the right balance of freedom of expression and access to authentic information for the viewers.
June 3, 2019

A System Design For A Collaborative Ecosystem Based On Trust Within The Cyberspace

The purpose of this research is to suggest and evaluate the design of a system architecture for virtual collaboration on Cloud, to strengthen the trust assurance among its users. In the proposed design architecture, the cloud system architecture leverage software services in a way where both, the main systems and sub-modules perform commensurably to achieve trust assurance. The evaluation of the system architecture exposes the applicability of the proposed architecture and how it augments the virtual collaboration on Cloud for trust assurance. and explanation of computing science through, the conceptual analysis of the available relevant literature on system theory and Latour's actor-network theory. The conceptual framework is applied to assess information security and artificial intelligence of expert systems (AI) and electronic voting systems (security). Lastly, this study concludes with the outlining the importance of awareness of ethical implications of informed and related sharing of responsibilities.
March 22, 2019

Developing Trust in Cyberspace in The Age of Artificial Intelligence

One of the common issues discomposing the professionals in the fields of information security and artificial intelligence (AI) is to explain the users its importance and resultantly gaining their trust. This study examines the relationship between trust and explanation of computing science through, the conceptual analysis of the available relevant literature on system theory and Latour's actor-network theory. The conceptual framework is applied to assess information security and artificial intelligence of expert systems (AI) and electronic voting systems (security). Lastly, this study concludes with the outlining the importance of awareness of ethical implications of informed and related sharing of responsibilities.