
June 22, 2019

Cybersecurity Accelerators

This policy brief discuss some characteristics and key challenges to assist cyber accelerators. Then, some recommendations are provided to built a robust cybersecurity initiatives.
June 3, 2019

A System Design For A Collaborative Ecosystem Based On Trust Within The Cyberspace

The purpose of this research is to suggest and evaluate the design of a system architecture for virtual collaboration on Cloud, to strengthen the trust assurance among its users. In the proposed design architecture, the cloud system architecture leverage software services in a way where both, the main systems and sub-modules perform commensurably to achieve trust assurance. The evaluation of the system architecture exposes the applicability of the proposed architecture and how it augments the virtual collaboration on Cloud for trust assurance. and explanation of computing science through, the conceptual analysis of the available relevant literature on system theory and Latour's actor-network theory. The conceptual framework is applied to assess information security and artificial intelligence of expert systems (AI) and electronic voting systems (security). Lastly, this study concludes with the outlining the importance of awareness of ethical implications of informed and related sharing of responsibilities.
March 27, 2019

Fortifying The Security of Corporate Social Media

In the present era, organizations use social media to reach out to their customers, improve brand visibility, and elevate sales. However, this also exposes the organizations to a plethora of cybersecurity risks such as social account manipulation, social engineering, and reputation attacks. This policy brief identifies the inadequacies of contemporary policies, standards, and guidelines related to social media security, and provides recommendations for policymakers at the organizational, national, and international levels that contribute to building a healthy social media ecosystem, and thus improving the global cyber resiliency.
March 22, 2019

Developing Trust in Cyberspace in The Age of Artificial Intelligence

One of the common issues discomposing the professionals in the fields of information security and artificial intelligence (AI) is to explain the users its importance and resultantly gaining their trust. This study examines the relationship between trust and explanation of computing science through, the conceptual analysis of the available relevant literature on system theory and Latour's actor-network theory. The conceptual framework is applied to assess information security and artificial intelligence of expert systems (AI) and electronic voting systems (security). Lastly, this study concludes with the outlining the importance of awareness of ethical implications of informed and related sharing of responsibilities.
March 1, 2019

Policy Brief On Global Women In Cyber Workforce

This policy brief provides with some recommendations to enable global women to work and excel in cybersecurity field after the announcement of ‘Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative’ by the US Government
January 30, 2019

A Debate on Going Dark

Conversations around surveillance and thus the topic of encryption have caught attention due to Apple and Google' decisions to facilitate end-to-end encryption in certain applications while terrorist groups try to use encryption to hide their communication from surveillance. This opinion paper approaches the surveillance debate over encryption from different perspectives and suggests alternative solutions.
January 24, 2019

Saudi Women in Cybersecurity: Narrowing the Gap of Human Capital Crisis

This policy study points to the gaps in the human capital for cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia and outlines the recommendations as to how women, have an edge if applied to cybersecurity. Also, recommendations are prescribed for how women can easily prepare for it.